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Mgg Agt:     Sherri Wimberly     601.297.2185

Dir:               PR St Thomass

Current Studios:

                    10958 D'Iberville Blvd.

                     D'Iberville, MS

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Copyright (c) 1990 - 2019 Academie de Danse | All Rights Reserved

Not affiliated with Tango Kinesis Dance Company, BsAs, Argentina

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Click below for amazing music by

Alejandro Drago, Tango Violinist

(with the Arpeggione Chamber Orchestra

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Copyright © 1990 - 2019 / DanceKinesis / TangoKinesis / Percell St Thomass /

Todos los derechos reservados / No afiliado a la Compañía de Danza Tango Kinesis , Argentina


Música: Todos los derechos reservados © Alejandro Drago, Aclamado Violinista (Con la Orquesta de Cámara Arpeggione, y el director es Mtro. James Brooks-Bruzzese)

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